
Faculty of Theology

Dean of the Faculty

Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli University Faculty of Theology Dean

Prof. Dr. Zülfikar DURMUŞ

He graduated from Erciyes University Faculty of Theology (1988). He completed his master’s degree at the same university’s Institute of Social Sciences with a thesis entitled “Şemsüddin Muhammed b. Hamza el-Fenâri’nin Hayatı ve Aynü’l-a‘yan Adlı Eserinin Tahlili” (1992) and PhD degree at the same institute with his dissertation titled “Kur’ân-ı Kerîm’de Ulus ve Uluslararası İlişkiler” (1999). He teaches courses on history of Qur’ānic exegesis, methodology and Arabic language. His main area of research is translation techniques, Turkish translations of Qur’ān and Qur’ānic semantics. His published books are as follows: Kur’ân-ı Kerîm’de Ulus ve Uluslararası İlişkiler (Nation and International Relations in the Qur’ān) (İstanbul 2006), Kur’ân’ın Türkçe Tercümeleri (Turkish Translations of the Qur’ān) (İstanbul 2007), Kur’ân’a Göre Kur’ân (Qur’ān According to Qur’ān) (İstanbul 2012).